Monday, December 23, 2013

From Night Owl to Early Bird – worms are Paleo, right?

Which comes first – new habits or new people?

After years of being a night owl, staying home with young children, and working second shift, it is time to conquer early mornings.  Early to bed. Early to rise. Early work outs. New habits. Just like most things, I have a plan. And just like most things, it involves CrossFit.

There are a number of classes throughout the day at CrossFit Juggernaut; the earliest is at 5:30am. I used to think these people were crazy. I know the kind of energy CrossFit takes, and to have that kind of energy at 5:30am must mean you’re not normal. I frequently said, “You will NEVER see me that early.” And I meant it. I had every intention of sticking to my comfy cozy class at noon. But then, I met the 5:30ers. I befriended them on facebook. I began to like these crazy people. Even admire the insanity it takes to WOD before the sunrise. And they were constantly hitting PR’s (personal records - a way of measuring gains in CrossFit.) I thought, there must be something to this, and I have to check it out.

So, this morning, I did. I reserved my spot in the 5:30am class, posted about it everywhere on facebook for accountability, and I got there. I am so glad that I did! What an exciting group of Juggernauts! Everyone was happy and ready for their day, looking sharp and well-rested. I think I might have had some drool in the corner of my mouth still, but they looked awesome! I was fully expecting to see everyone’s “morning face” which is my favorite face of the day, but none could be found, except for mine!

And guess what! I PR’d my power clean! (For all you non-CrossFitters, I lifted a heavier barbell from the floor than I normally do.) And I had energy for days, even without eating a large meal 2 hours before class like usual. I also noticed that even though I was well-hydrated, I didn’t have “trouble with my single unders.” If you are a CrossFitting Momma, you’re giving me a virtual fist bump right about now, and I thank you for that.

So, which comes first- new habits or new people? I would say my character changed first, and the habits have followed. I’ve always been successful, but my desire is to be successful at any activity, at any time of day. And so I will be scheduling myself for these early morning classes while my situation allows. I will be monitoring my sleep, to avoid chronic inflammation that can creep up when one is over tired. And I will be adjusting my nutrition routine to support this earlier work load. And I’m going to enjoy myself! I always love meeting new challenges head on. Don’t you?

For more information on chronic inflammation as a result of not getting enough sleep, 
please read this previous post:

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