Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weigh-In ~ April 1, 2012

This morning I weigh 145 lbs.

I have lost 10 lb since beginning my fight against Systemic Sclerosis.

The weight loss is due largely to an increase in raw fruits and vegetables, as well as water intake; and an elimination of dairy and wheat products. I have also replaced my all day coffee addiction with green tea. And honestly, I don't miss it.

As of today, I have not done any aerobic activity to speak of, only mild stretching. Although my goal for this month is to incorporate 45 minutes of aerobic activity 3x per week in order to raise my LDL (good cholesterol.) Low levels of LDL is common with Systemic Sclerosis. If exercise alone doesn't raise these levels, I will discuss supplements, such as taurine, with my doctor to boost them.

Bon Courage!