Thursday, December 26, 2013

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Change your thoughts and you change your world. -Norman Vincent Peale

I believe in the Law of Attraction and the power of Manifestation. My body is a result of this powerful truth. When I became sick two years ago, I created a Manifestation Board; a collage of images of fit and healthy women doing things I was told I would no longer be able to do. Women running in the sun, or smiling in the snow. Women with strength and flexibility. I found these images in magazines and clothing catalogs and I cut and pasted them onto a large poster board. I looked at this every day, multiple times a day, because I wanted to convince every cell in my body that what I was looking at was real for me. I wanted my brain to make a connection with these images and direct my body to that reality. 

And it worked. 

Every decision I made with my diet and lifestyle was easy and practically effortless. I lost weight without trying and my autoimmune disease began to leave my body so quickly that my doctors still don't have an explanation for it. I became more flexible as the tightening loosened in my skin and connective tissues. My pulmonary function tests have been excellent and my digestion improved. I went back to teaching dance. I began working out and was surprised at the work my new body could do. I set new fitness goals and became an amateur CrossFit athlete. And every new thing I have introduced has made me healthier and happier without struggle or restriction.

I am building a new body. And not just with weights and exercise. But with my mind.

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. -Buddha

So, what shall I change about my world now?

This holiday season has revealed a few things I would like to turn my attention to. I did not enjoy having so little to give this year. And the little I could do felt under planned and haphazard. No one else would have noticed. If I wasn't writing it here, no one would call me on it. But it is the things that we see when we look closely at the reflection of our hearts that we have to contend with. I appreciate the grace that I receive from others, but I see the things I would like to change for 2014. And so I will make a new Manifestation Board. Here is a snapshot, but I am sure I will add to it.

Visit to make your own and Manifest a New You in 2014!

1 comment:

  1. My little princess is so beautiful) I underwent using Dr Itua Herbal Medicine. I had a miscarriage 7 years ago. I still can’t hold back my tears when I remember that horrible period of my life. After my loss I couldn’t get back to life for a long time. I’m glad I have my husband. He gave me support I needed the most. Together we can do everything! We wanted to have kids for a really long time. We’ve gone through a lot, but if you want something badly, you’ll get it! I had to search online on how i can use herbal remedy due to my infertility then i came across Dr Itua how he cure all kind diseases and helped a lady from Kansas City to get pregnant so i contacted him on email,He gave me some guidelines to follow he also send me his herbal medicine via courier service which he instruct me on how to drink it for two weeks really i did and after 7 days of having intercourse with my husband few days later i noticed my period didn't come then i decided to go for check up i was pregnant with a baby,Dr Itua is a genuine miracle man..I've got pregnant from first attempt. We were over the moon! Our girls were born in May 2015. We've just celebrated their first birthday. Finally joy and peace came to our family.Here his Email/Whatsapp Number...+2348149277967/ He cure the following...infertility Liver/kidney Inflammatory,Diabetes,Herpes Virus, Lupus, HPV, Cancer, Hiv/Aids, Hepatitis, Als, MS, Menstrual Cramp,  Fibroid.
