Wednesday, January 1, 2014

You can do anything, when your WHY is big enough!

I found myself springing out of bed Monday morning at 4:22 am, a mere two minutes after my alarm first sounded.

WHY? Because I'm a Juggernaut.

I got dressed, did my hair, finished packing for the day, and headed into a New England frozen wonderland after a night of snow and icy rain. I stopped for a coffee and some gum and scarfed down a banana and SoZo Ignite on my way to CrossFit. (But, truth be told, my early morning had started the night before when I cleared 3 inches of snow off my car while it was still coming down.)

WHY? Because I'm a Juggernaut.

So, I got there, half expecting to see one or two vehicles (the owner and one other crazy) but the parking lot was almost full, with people still arriving as I skated my way to the door. The energy in the box was fantastic! The heat was blaring, people were warming up, and we made our way to the white board. Made our way to hip mobility, med-ball tosses, front squats, and Illusions. Made our way to burpee and pull-up hell!

WHY? Because I'm a Juggernaut. And yesterday, I front squatted 125# (my bodyweight) and did a total of 100 burpees and 100 pull-ups, all before 6:30am. All because I LOVE this sh*t!

And all because my WHY - my WHY I'm there, my WHY I put myself through this, my WHY I wake up that early and drive in those conditions - it's big enough. Nothing else comes close to delivering the same results; the same rush. There is just something about these people and this gym that drives me in a way I have never been driven before. It is rearranging my insides. It is accessing deep realms of my soul. I will do anything to be there. And I will accomplish anything because I get there.

How big is your WHY?

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