Monday, January 13, 2014

Burpees for Birthdays!!!

Every student completes one burpee for every year their classmate is old, and then they get to enjoy a cupcake! What will soon be a movement sweeping across the nation, all started because my son's teacher told me they may not be able to celebrate his birthday with the cupcakes I dropped off this morning. "School Rules" prohibit baked goods from being shared because they are not considered "healthy."

Now... normally, I would agree. But not because I believe all baked goods are evil. I believe dairy and gluten are evil. And there's a whole back story to why my son wouldn't even be able to participate in a typical public school party involving baked goods. But these weren't just any cupcakes. They were gluten and dairy free cupcakes. I also eat, sleep, and breathe fitness and nutrition, however, I do not believe it is right to just ban celebratory cupcakes all together! Let's teach our kids moderation and self-control! Let's encourage exercise! And Let's keep SOME traditions in place if we can be respectful of things like allergies. Shared cupcakes on a child's birthday in public school just seems American! And the idea of a school wide ban on something so innocent seems un-American.

Therefore, I will be developing a program that will bring burpees to the classroom in trade for the privilege of enjoying a birthday cupcake. Burpees for Birthdays!!! One burpee for every year. David turned 7 today, so that would be 7 burpees for every child and then let them eat cake! Let's teach our kids to enjoy moving their bodies rather than deprive them of calories!!! I'll let you know how this program unfolds. I'm VERY excited!!!

Oh! And after all that hustle and bustle, the school let the kids eat the damn things and I got a note saying they enjoyed them very much but there won't be a next time. Yeah... how many of those kinds of notes have been sent home to other mothers, hmmm?

Now, watch this guy! I could literally watch his videos all day long! He is an excellent Coach!!!

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